Dolph Lundgren Workout Exclusive By Danni Levy
“I think it’s a combination of things,” Dolph begins when I hastily attempt to chip into his secret to eternal youth.
Dolph enjoys meditation and advocates a clean eating approach to fueling his body and mind.
“I try to meditate for 30-45 minutes depending on how much time I have, check some emails, and then train either before breakfast if I’m doing some cardio, or after breakfast with weights. If I’m filming, sometimes I’ll train after work. Lately I’ve been going for a hike before breakfast or doing my cardio, then trying to chill for a bit on the couch and watch the news. I do some strength training two-to-three times a week, then go hiking or do boxing two-to-three days a week, so I train about five days in total.
“Food wise, I try to eat three clean meals a day and two snack” he explains. “I try to keep my protein intake over 100 grams a day. I don’t eat meat- I eat fish and eggs. I’m pescatarian and I do use supplements and take protein shakes and bars sometimes too.”
Dolph enjoys a varied approach to exercise, incorporating hiking and boxing into his regimen to supplement his resistance training.
“I like doing supersets, especially for triceps,”
“I do about 15 minutes warm-up and then 10 x three-minute rounds once a week, either with the bag or shadow boxing. I then do push-ups and sit-ups for three minutes on, three minutes off. It varies but right now I am doing one day a week or two and then hiking.”
Dolph performs a three-day split routine
Day one: Back and Biceps
Day two: Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
Day three: Legs
“When you get to a certain age it’s pointless trying to overdo it.
“I like doing supersets, especially for triceps,” he says. “I don’t like to lift super heavy. I find if I go too heavy it just makes me tired, I don’t have time to recover and I don’t get any gains from it. When you’re 25 it’s okay, but when you get to a certain age it’s pointless trying to overdo it.
“I don’t do super heavy squats or deadlifts, but I can go heavy enough now that it helps me with age. I just don’t do highs kicks or the splits anymore.
“I’m trying to actively go in the other direction and reverse ageing.”
“It’s all about balance and self-love” he reveals. “You can go to Italy and see a guy who lives on red wine and pasta and looks great and then see a healthy guy in LA who looks older through stress, so it’s about finding the right balance and happy point for you and trying to be relaxed in your approach.
“I’m trying to actively go in the other direction and reverse ageing. I think it’s part of my job and I feel younger as a person than I did five years ago.”
Train Like Dolph
The Warm-up
Non-weighted exercises
- 15 minutes warm-up and mobility
- 10 x 3-minute rounds once a week (either with a bag or shadow boxing)
- Push-ups and sit-ups for 3 minutes on, 3 minutes off
- Stretching (hold each stretch for a minimum of 10 seconds)
Day One: Back and Biceps
- Lat pulldown
- Decline smith machine row
- Rope pulldown
- Cable bicep curl
- Seated bicep curl
- Dumbbell hammer curl
Perform 4 sets of each exercise for 10 reps or 3 sets as a pyramid for 8, 10, 12 reps.
Take 45 seconds rest in-between each set.
Day Two: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps
- Dumbbell chest press
- Lying dumbbell fly
- Push-up
- Upright row
- Front raise
- Side lateral raise
- Seated overhead lateral raise
- Rear delt raise
Perform 4 sets of each exercise for 10 reps or 3 sets as a pyramid for 8, 10, 12 reps.
Take 45 seconds rest in-between each set.
Day Three: Legs
- Dumbbell Romanian deadlift
- Smith machine squat
Perform 4 sets of each exercise for 10 reps or 3 sets as a pyramid for 8, 10, 12 reps.
Take 45 seconds rest in-between each set.
(NB/ limited leg workout at the time of shooting due to injury)
Check out Dolph’s Diet