When looking to get fit in 2022 the average gym-goer is a lot more likely to enlist the help of an expert personal trainer, with searches for ‘personal trainer near me’ up 8% in the last year.
Sometimes it’s easy to be swayed by a trainer’s social media presence, great value for money, or their toned physique. However, it’s important to do your research before choosing the right trainer for you.
Although a personal trainer can be a great motivator, choosing the wrong one can set you back with an injury or knock in confidence. With that in mind, personal training education provider, Origym, has listed the key ‘red flags’ to look out for when searching for a personal trainer to kickstart your fitness goals.
Muscle and Health spoke with Luke Hughes, personal trainer at OriGym, for his advice on the dos and don’ts when hiring a new personal trainer.
If you see your program being regurgitated to other clients, it’s a red flag.
1- Your individual needs
Your body and its abilities are unique to you, so a one-size-fits-all fitness plan won’t be optimal for the best results. It needs to be tailored, tried, and tested, to make sure you’re happy and confident with each exercise.
When looking for a personal trainer make sure they understand your goals, abilities, and comfort zone, so that each session is the perfect mix of hard work and fun. If you see your program being regurgitated to other clients, it’s a red flag.
Taking medical advice from someone who isn’t qualified will get you a one-way ticket to injuryville.
2- Qualifications
All qualified personal trainers will have a level 3 qualification as the industry standard in the UK. If your PT starts talking about nutrition plans, injury rehabilitation, or anything that isn’t covered in their training, make sure you ask to see their credentials to ensure they’re qualified to give you that advice.
Personal trainers are fitness professionals, not doctors or dieticians. Taking medical advice from someone who isn’t qualified will get you a one-way ticket to injuryville.
If your trainer is paying too much attention to their Instagram during your session, it’s time to swipe left.
3- Presence
When working with a personal trainer you’re paying for their full, undivided attention and time for that hour. So, if you see your trainer typing away on their phone or leaving you unsupervised to get on with sets it’s important to understand the dangers this could cause.
If you’re a beginner in the gym, it’s your PT’s job to make sure your technique is correct and you’re training safely. If your trainer is paying too much attention to their Instagram during your session, it’s time to swipe left.
4- The upsell
Supplements, nutrition plans, and extra sessions can aid your fitness journey, however they are NOT essential.
Gym kit, a water bottle, and determination is all you need to make a positive change – do not be sucked in if your personal trainer is trying to sell you fancy programs or scientific supplements. Most of the time these supplements are not needed and will make little difference to your overall results.
If your PT is giving you a hard sales pitch, meet it with a hard “no!”
5- Tracking progress
To make progress in the gym you need to ensure you are tracking your sessions to see how far you’ve come, both mentally and physically.
Every session you have with your trainer should be carried out with the intention of progressing. To do this, your personal trainer needs to make sure they’re organized and tracking each session.
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