T-Spine Wall Windmill By Bobby Aldridge
James Patrick Photography
How often do you move laterally? Almost no one does this, we are conditioned to work front to back. The T-spine wall windmill targets the rotation in your body, improves your mobility, and helps to reduce pain.
The T-spine wall windmill exercise, done against a wall, opens up the front of the hip, lower back, T-spine, lats, and all the connected rotational core components. Mobility is the key to better performance and when performed correctly, this move will even fire your forearms and the muscles in your hands.
Whether prescribed to kids, pro athletes, super seniors, or weekend warriors, this power move assesses and addresses mobility level, range of motion, balance, and overall fitness. Great to add to your regimen to alleviate postural issues/kyphosis caused by sitting at your computer too long, being hunched over your phone, or driving for many hours.
How To
1. Start with your back up against the wall, feet approximately 16” apart and out 8” out from the wall
2. Raise arms parallel to the floor with the back of your hand against the wall, fingers spread. Hands should be at shoulder height, arms straight, and pinch your shoulder blades together. The lower body is still, legs are straight, and all movement is from your upper-torso
3. Keeping your upper body against the wall, slide/windmill down to the left, touching the wall the entire time
4. Bend to the right side, and then the left again until you reach 5 reps per side
5. For the next set, try an additional 8” distance between your feet
6. Repeat until you get to a width that is comfortable but feels like it’s stretching your inner-thighs
Bobby Aldridge has spent over three decades as an athlete and student of physical movement. His mission is to help clients, patients, and athletes improve their mobility with his metrics-based technique and equipment. He created BAMmetrics [Bobby Aldridge Method] from researching methodologies including orthopedics, physical therapy, sports medicine, chiropractic, and mind-body philosophies. His system is designed to complement whatever type or level of activity you enjoy, whether you are 10 or 100 years old.